Must Read Reactions to the Recent Democrat Convention (DNC)

Sounds about right……

More Must Read Reactions to the Recent Democrat Convention….

If Trump says it is raining the Dems will fall over one another to fact check Trump, distort the truth, say it is only water falling from the sky due to climate change. But when it comes to the Dems, the truth doesn’t exist. Never in my life have I seen a convention where from the opening statement to the closing sentence everything said was nothing but lies upon lies while attacking Trump.

Political conventions are about introducing your candidate, laying out their agenda, and telling the people why their agenda will be better for them, how it will change their lives for the better and how their plans will bring a better future.

As for the Democrats? Once again they changed the game. They changed the rules. They offered no plans. They offered no resemblance of a brighter future or a brighter today. Instead they offered emotions. They say they are going to Hope their way out of this mess. They will Hope for a better economy. They will Hope to end inflation. Hope will close the borders. Hope will keep you safe.

I’ve never in my life have been so fucking irate. They bring nothing to the table and expect to hand Kamala Harris the Presidency. No fucking agenda? No fucking plans? This is the biggest insult to the intelligence of the American people.

So the Democrats identity is now a Seinfeld episode. A big show about nothing. Their plan? Offer the American people nothing. Not a fucking thing but you better vote for them otherwise you are deemed a hateful racist.

The star of their convention? Donald Trump. The villain? Donald Trump. The person every speaker spoke about? Donald Trump. They should’ve changed the name to the Trump convention.

Their game plan? They know they are stuck with an ignorant candidate who has no game plan and offers nothing but destructive policies so it is up to them to keep her quiet and hidden while letting the corrupt Dems and media build her into a fraudulent superhero.

But what about the villain Donald Trump? You know the guy they are trying to paint as evil. The guy they hate as much as our Constitution? They tried to eliminate him every which way including an assassination attempt but in Teflon fashion he keeps answering the bell. What do they do about their Trump problem? They tried Hope. They Hoped to get rid of him. They failed

They couldn’t eliminate him so they turned to their star power to tell you how bad Trump is. They will spread nothing but lies and misinformation Hoping that will stick. After all who the hell is going to fact check them? Where the fuck are our fact checkers? Still on another vacation?

They can spew lies and continue flinging shit against the wall and hope something will stick in their fight against Trump. But it won’t work. They will eventually need a plan. They can take that big eared Kenyan cocksuckers word Hope and shove it straight up their asses.

You see we too have a candidate. Our candidate will squash Hope. Our candidate has a plan. Has a vision. Our candidate actually loves our country and isn’t looking for eternal power, our candidate want to return the American way. The American Dream. Our candidate wants a better America for all the people, not just their brainwashed base. Our candidate brings an agenda and more importantly our candidate already had the job and will go down as one of the greatest presidents in American history. Our candidate has a track record which includes, no inflation, energy independence, closed borders, a strong military, kept us all safe with no wars across the globe, our candidate brought unity as blacks, whites and brown all gained employment and were all able to make ends meet.
The next time Kamala say day one, remind her, day one started 1200 days ago. When she says she will fix the las administration’s problems? Remind her, she was the last administration.

The bottom line? There is only one choice for our America. It begins and ends with Donald J Trump
My two cents

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