Concerns 224k Voters in North Carolina May Not Be Able to Vote Due to Missing Information on Voter Rolls

A lesser known news website that big social media companies like to censor on a regular basis is reporting that over 200,000 people in North Carolina may not be able to vote due to important information missing from voter rolls.

Charlotte, North CarolinaAccording to Gateway Pundit, there was a report in The Federalist that the records of 224,000 people in North Carolina are missing the last 4 digits of their Social Security Number (SSN) and their Drivers Licence ID number needed to confirm their registration on the voter rolls are genuine. Continue reading “Concerns 224k Voters in North Carolina May Not Be Able to Vote Due to Missing Information on Voter Rolls”

Mark Levin Gives Verdict on Trump Indictment

Mark Levin previously worked in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese.

Lastnight he appeared on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News to give his opinion on the indictment of former President Donald J Trump.

Check Out This Must Watch Video to See what Mark Levin had to say on the issue

Continue reading “Mark Levin Gives Verdict on Trump Indictment”

Texas Advances Law to Remove Rogue District Attorneys

Posted on Twitter by Governor Greg Abbot yesterday, a story in the Dallas News about the Texas House advancing a law removing rogue District Attorneys for failing to prosecute offenders it is their job to prosecute.

The move comes amid similar problems in other states that has resulted in violent crimes going through the roof because of criminals being released, then going on to cause more problems for people.

Ron DeSantis Shunned by Rishi Sunak

It has been reported on Breitbart and The Times that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been denied the opportunity to meet with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Ron DeSantis has recently been gallivanting around the world as rumours mount on whether or not he’s going to throw his hat into the ring for the 2024 POTUS Race against Donald Trump. Continue reading “Ron DeSantis Shunned by Rishi Sunak”